Unit 7 Math Vocabulary

Area: the measure, in square units, of the interior region of a two-dimensional figure or the surface of a             three- dimensional figure.

Array: an arrangement of objects in equal rows.

Common Factor: any common factor of two or more numbers.

Denominator: the number written below the line in a fraction.  It tells how many equal parts are in the                           whole.

Equation: a statement that two mathematical expressions are equal.

Equivalent Fractions: fractions that have the same value.

Factor: an integer (number) that divides evenly into another.

Fraction Greater Than 1: a fraction with a numerator greater than its denominator.

Fraction Less Than 1: a fraction with a numerator less than its denominator.

Mixed Number: a number with an integer (number) and a fraction part.

Multiplicative Identity Property of 1: multiplying a factor by one gives a product identical to the                                                                       given factor.

Number Line: a diagram that represents numbers as points on a line.

Numerator: the number written above the line in a fraction.  It tells how many equal parts are                                      described in the fraction.

Prime Number: a whole number greater than 0 that has exactly two different factors, 1 and itself.

Product: the result of multiplication.

Rectangle: a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of congruent, parallel sides and 4 right angles.

Scale: a series of numbers at regular intervals that help label a graph.

Simplest Form: a fraction is in simplest form when the greatest common factor of the numerator and                               denominator is 1.

Simplify: to express a fraction in simplest form.

Square Unit: a unit, such as square centimeter or square inch, used to measure area.

Tiling: repeated shapes that fill a plane.  The shapes do not overlap and there are no gaps.

Whole Numbers: whole numbers are 0 and the counting numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6, and so on.