Unit 3 Math Vocaublary

Addend: the number used in the mathematical operation of addition.  Example 6 + 8 = 14. 6 and 8 are addends.

Associative Property of Addition: changing the grouping of terms in a sum without changing the sum.

Benchmark: a commonly known point of reference from which measurements may be made.  Example four quarters make a whole.

Commutative Property of Addition: the addition of terms in any order obtains the same sum. Example a+b+c=d, b+c+a=d

Compose: to create by putting together.

Decimal Fraction: a proper fraction whose denominator is a power of 10.

Decimal Point: a demarcation mark used in a base 10 numbering system to designate values that are less than one.

Decompose: to break down into smaller units to simplify computation.

Difference: the result obtained using the operation of subtraction.

Estimate: an approximate and reasonable answer that is close to the exact answer without actually calculating the exact answer.

Expanded Form: the display of digits to show the place value of each digit.  Example 5,231 is 5,000+200+30+1

Greater Than: a symbol (>) used to compare two numbers or two quantities when the greater number or greater quantity is given first. Example: 6>4

Hundredth/Hundredths: the position of the second digit to the right of the decimal point. One of 100 equal parts.  Example: 0.56, 56/100, fifty-six hundredths.

Inequality: a statement relating two or more quantities or values that are not equal using words or symbols (<,>, =)

Less Than: a symbol (<) used to compare two numbers or two quantities, with the lesser number given first. Example 4<6