Identity Property of Addition (Additive Identity Property of 0): The sum of any number and 0 is that number. Example 13 + 0 = 13
Algorithm: a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations.
Area Model: a model for mulitpication problems, in which the length and width of a rectangle represents the factors.
Array: a rectangular arrangement of objects or elements organzied into rows and columns.
Associative Property of Addition: if the grouping of addends changes, the sum stays the same. Example 5 + (8 +14) = (5 + 8) + 14
Associative Property of Multiplication: if the grouping of factors changes, the product stays the same. Example 11 X (3 X 6) = (11 X 3) X 6
Base of an Exponent: is the number that is used as the repeated factor.
Braces: organize an algebra problem. Example {}
Brackets: are symbols used in pairs to group things together. Example ( ) , [ ]
Communtative Property of Addition: if the order of addends changes, the sum stays the same. Exampel 12 + 7= 7 +12
Communtative Property of Multiplication: if the order of factors changes, the product stays the same. Example 4 X 9 = 9 X 4
Distributive Property: a rule or method that states that every term inside grouping symbols may be multipled by a term outside grouping symbols to yield an equivalent expression.
Dividend: the value to be divided in a division problem.
Divisor: the value by which another quantity is divided in a division problem.
Equation: a mathematical statement divided by an equal symbol that states the two values or expressions have the same value.
Estimate: An approximate and resonable answer that is close to the exact answer without actually calculating the exact answer.
Evaluate: find the value of a numerical expression.
Exponent: is the number that tells how many times the base is used as a factor.
Expression: a mathematical phrase containing one or more terms linked by operation symbols.
Factor: the value that can be divided into another value with no remainder.
Inverse Operation: using the same numbers, multiplication and division are opposite.
Long Division: is a step-by-step process to divide large numbers into equal groups.
Identity Property of Multiplication (Multiplicative Identity Property of 1): the product of any number and 1 is that number. Example 4 X 1 = 4
Multiply: the operation of repeated addition.
Numerical Expression: is a mathematical phrase that has numbers and operation signs, but does not have an equal sign.
Order of Operations: tells you in what order you should evaluate an expression.
Parentheses: used around a fact or numbers within an equation "()."
Pattern: a set or sequence of figures or numbers that are repeated in a predictable manner.
Period: is a group of three digits separated by commas in a mulltidigit number.
Place Value: the value of a numeral based on the position of each digit in the number.
Powers of Ten: a power of 10 is the number 10 multiplied by itself by the number of times indicated by the exponent.
Product: the result obtained when two or more quantities are multiplied.
Quotient: the answer to a division problem.
Remainder: the number left over when an integer is divided by another.
Sum: the result of addition.
Whole Numbers: the set of numbers consisting of the natural numbers and zero.