Unit 11 Math Vocaublary

Acute Triangle: a triangle with no angle measuring 90 degrees or more.

Associative Property of Multiplication: the product stays the same when the grouping of factors is changed. (a x b) x c = a x (b x c), where a, b, and c stand for any real numbers.

Attribute: a characteristic.
                  Example: size, shape or color

Base of a Solid Figure: a base of a solid figure is usually thought of as a face upon which it can ¨sit.¨                                             Most solid figures have more than one base.

Congruent: having exactly the same size and shape.

Cube: a rectangular solid having 6 congruent square faces.

Cubic Unit: a unit such as a cubic meter to measure volume or capacity.

Decagon: a polygon with 10 sides.

Decagonal Prism: a prism whose two bases are decagons.

Diagonal: a line that goes through vertices of a polygon that are not next to each other.

Equiangular Triangle: a triangle with all equal angles (60 degrees).

Equilateral Triangle: a triangle with all sides the same length.

Formula: a general mathematical rule that is written as an equation.

Height: a perpendicular line segment from the base to the top of the figure.

Heptagon: a polygon with 7 sides.

Hexagon: a polygon with 6 sides.

Hexagonal Prism: a prism whose two bases are hexagons.

Hierarchy: an organizational chart to show classification or relationships based on properties.

Isosceles Triangle: a triangle that has exactly 2 equal sides.

Lateral Face: the face of a prism or pyramid that is not a base.

Line of Symmetry: a line that divides a figure into two congruent halves that are mirror images of                                         each other.

Line Symmetry: what a figure has if it can be folded in half and its two parts match exactly.

Nonagon: a polygon with 9 sides.

Obtuse Triangle: a triangle that has an angle greater than 90 degrees (obtuse angle).

Octagon: a polygon with 8 sides.

Octagonal Prism: a prism whose two bases are octagons.

Parallel Lines: lines that are always the same distance apart. They do not intersect.

Parallelogram: a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel and congruent sides.

Pentagon: a polygon with 5 sides.

Pentagonal Prism: a prism whose two bases are pentagons.

Pentagonal Pyramid: a pyramid that has a pentagonal base.

Perpendicular: forming right angles.

Perpendicular Lines: two lines that form right angles.

Polygon: a closed plane figure made by line segments.

Polyhedron: a three-dimensional figure in which all the faces are polygons.  Polyhedrons                                            have NO curved surfaces.

Prism: a three-dimensional figure that has two congruent and parallel faces that are polygons.  The                    remaining faces are parallelograms.

Pyramid: a polyhedron whose base is a polygon and whose other faces are triangles that share a                             common vertex.

Quadrilateral: a polygon with 4 sides.

Rectangle: a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of congruent, parallel sides and 4 right angles.

Regular Polygon: a polygon with all sides the same length and all angles the same measure.

Rhombus: a quadrilateral with all 4 sides equal in length.

Right Rectangular Prism: a prism with 6 rectangular faces where the lateral edge is perpendicular to                                                 the plane of the base.

Right Triangle: a triangle that has one 90 degree angle.

Scalene Triangle: a triangle that has no equal sides.

Solid Figure: three-dimensional figure that has length, width, and height.

Square: a parallelogram with 4 equal angles AND 4 equal sides.

Three-Dimensional Figure: a solid figure that has length, width, and height.

Trapezoid: a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides and one pair of sides that are not parallel.

Two-Dimensional Figure: a plane, flat figure that has length and width.

Unit Cube: a precisely fixed quantity used to measure volume.

Variable: a letter or symbol that represents a number.

Volume: the number of cubic units it takes to fill a figure.